Common Dandelion plant

Time to Battle Spring Lawn Weeds

It’s spring!

Cherries and magnolias are flowering, and tulips and daffodils are blooming. And right on cue, dandelions are appearing, and crabgrass is ready to germinate in Long Island lawns!

A spring lawn would not be complete without a dandelion here and there. Those yellow flowers quickly turn to seed that is easily dispersed – everywhere. Regular mowing of the lawn should keep flowers at bay. Post-emergent lawn control products (applied when you see the weeds) can be applied. In addition to spring treatments, dandelions can also be controlled in the fall. Worth repeating – always read and follow label directions. And do not bother to give the plant a little tug to attempt to remove it. Unless you get the taproot, it will easily grow back again.

Crabgrass is an annual weed that gives perennial grief. If you had crabgrass last year, chances are, it will be back. It makes its presence known when the soil temperatures reach 55 degrees; allowing for seed to germinate. A helpful timing hint: Crabgrass germinates when the forsythia is in full bloom. Did you know that we often have two to three generations of crabgrass during the growing season? Chemical controls are either pre- or post-emergence. Read the label first and be certain to follow it for rates and frequency of application.