green red tomato

Growing Tomatoes – Easy, Fun & Delicious

Nutritious and delicious, gardeners agree that tomatoes are ‘must haves’ in the vegetable garden.

– Select tomatoes with purpose – slicing, paste, salsa, snacking, salads.

– Tomatoes adore sunshine; choose a site where they will get 6-8 hours of direct sun each day.

– Well-drained garden soil is best for direct planting. Use potting soil for planters and containers.

– Space plants according to the plant label instructions.

– Stake or cage at the time of planting or very soon after.

– Keep soil moist; avoid over or underwatering.

– Fertilize with Tomato-tone according to package directions.

– When ripe – harvest and enjoy!

Tomato tidbits:

– Remove suckers from young plants; they do not flower or produce fruit.

–  Plant tomato seedlings/transplants deeper into the soil to form strong roots.