Early Summer Gardening Tips
The end of June spells h-e-a-t in the garden. Think ahead and plan wisely; it could be a long, hot summer. Here are a few helpful hints for summer survival for you and plants.
Time to Stake

Tomatoes, dahlias, and other tall growing plants are best staked at planting time. If you didn’t, stake ASAP! Attach plants to stakes with twine, plastic stretch tape, or Twist ‘Ems.. A word to the wise – do not make a tourniquet when securing plants to stakes; allow for some slack between the plant and the stake.
Water, Water, Water

Got hoses? Make sure that you have enough hoses – regular and soaker – on hand before the heat really hits. And when you water, a long, thorough soaking for plants is best. Daily watering of trees and shrubs is comparable to “spitting” on them. Soaker hoses are an efficient and effective way to get needed water to where it’s needed – the roots.
Black Spot No More

No B.S. here, Black Spot is appearing on roses! This fungus can make for unsightly roses for the rest of the season. What does Black Spot look like? Look for rose leaves that have turned yellow with dark spots. If found, do the following: use a soaker hose to water — avoid overhead irrigation. Hand-pick or prune off infected leaves when the plant is dry. Discard them, and then wash your hands before you touch healthy foliage. Fungicides can be effective in controlling Black Spot if you follow the label directions.
Container Plants are Thirsty
Heat, sun, and/or wind rob needed soil moisture from your plants. Hanging baskets and potted plants may need to be watered daily. Use a water wand to easily water hanging baskets and hard to reach planters.
Feeding Time

Are your plants looking a little starved? Give them a shot of a blossom booster liquid fertilizer. Use according to label directions.
Enjoy the Fruit of your Labors!

Harvest and enjoy the last of spring veggies – lettuce, broccoli, peas. Hot weather causes these cool season edibles to bolt. You can always grow new crops in late August.
Do Chores in the Morning
Summer heat and people – let’s keep it a safe combination. Plan garden chores during the early morning hours when temperatures are normally cooler. Remember to drink plenty of fluids and wear a hat and sunscreen when outside!