multi colours flowers

Celebrate the Mid-Summer Garden

Seems like just last week it was planting time in the vegetable garden and anticipating the first harvest of ripe tomatoes & cukes. In the blink of an eye, it’s already mid-summer. That means it’s check-point time in the garden and landscape.


  1. Mid July is typically the last call for pruning hedges. Doing this any later in the season can push soft growth that may not harden off before winter weather sets in.
  2. Don’t depend on Mother Nature to provide adequate rainfall, it’s up to you to water wisely. Aim for 1 – 1.5” of water per week for established plantings. Check new plantings daily and watered as needed. (Remember – daily spritzing does nothing, water deeply and thoroughly. High temperatures, dry windy conditions, and intense sun dramatically increase the need for adequate soil moisture!)
  3. Last pinch for hardy mums and Montauk daisies; they need time to set buds for fall blooms.
  4. Deadhead any spent blooms from roses, then fertilize to encourage flowers later next month.
  5. Fertilize summer annuals to give them a needed boost. Use a blossom booster fertilizer according to package directions.
  6. Going on vacation? You deserve it, but don’t forget about your garden & lawn. Enlist the help of a friend or neighbor to water while you are away.
  7. Be on the lookout for problems in the garden. Insects & diseases typically show up to spoil the party each summer. Before you treat, know what the problem is and how to best remedy the situation.
  8. As long as the grass keeps growing, you need to keep mowing weekly. Set the mower blade to 3 – 3 1/2″. If you mow regularly, don’t bag the clippings – just recycle them back on the lawn.
  9. Harvest veggies & herbs before they spoil on the vines. Too much of a good thing? Remember soup kitchens for donations of healthy garden harvest.